Session 3: LUCA’s paradox
Watch Session 3, LUCA’s Paradox here…
if you have questions or remarks then do send them by email to [email protected] to answered in the Saturday 4pm GMT livestream.
What is LUCA?
According to the theory of evolution, LUCA, the (Last Universal Common Ancestor), is the ancestor to which every creature that lives today traces back to, and the tree of life branches from there with continuous modification by Random Mutations and Natural selection.
Can we verify this by science and reason?
I am posting seven paradoxes pertaining
So, let’s explore the question!
Session Contents:
- What is LUCA?
- DNA as the core of self-replication
- Importance of Error Correction
- Understanding RNA
- Enzymes
- Scenarios for LUCA
- LUCA, is it RNA with or without error correction?
- The Seven Paradoxes