Course Announcements...
Theory of Evolution claims that Natural Selection action on Random Mutations has driven life forward from a unicellular universal common ancestor to the modern human being. This course examines this claim, tests it against what we know about life, and argues that ToE is false.
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Seeing God in Biology – a new series on Finding Truth!
I am super delighted to start this “Seeing God in Biology” series with Dr. Fuz Rana. This shall be aired… Read More »Seeing God in Biology – a new series on Finding Truth!
#60: The fork!
Deciding to (not) live by God's rules at a point in life, and not looking back, is a great decision of great consequences. Some wake-up to the implications of that decision when they are at the end of the road;…
#59: The pool is on the phone!
In a 2050 morning:– Hello! Yes, who is this?… bubbles– Please raise your voice, I can only hear bubbles!… …… Read More »#59: The pool is on the phone!
#58: Dealing with fear!
Do you have a major step in your life that you wanted to take for so long and only fear… Read More »#58: Dealing with fear!
#57: 40-years old, then what?!
In your forties already? So, you know what middle age crisis is!But, what are you going to do about it?Are… Read More »#57: 40-years old, then what?!
#56: Merchant of Menace, $T€A£ING Time!
More than 20 years ago, in the MBA course, the finance professor, taught that central to finance is the art… Read More »#56: Merchant of Menace, $T€A£ING Time!
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Finding Truth is a blog and Youtube channel about the pursuit of truth, peace, and happiness. Truth about God, religion, and one’s self. We address topics about the existence of God, debunking atheism and evolution, the purpose of life, and the role of religion. We also explore Islam, and its relation with Abrahamic religions.

Seeking the truth objectively
Using logic as our main tool
And relying on factual information