(Or is it today more essential?!)
Someone told me that the ancient people believed in God because they couldn’t explain the world through science, so God was the only solution, and that the only reason God remains today is due to indoctrination.
So, I said:
All the existential questions are still unanswered. There is essentially no change on that front. So, God is equally the answer today as yesterday, and even more!
And I elaborated:
Science has not made any progress on the questions that need the answers that religion provides (and it will not because it is outside of its scope):
- Who created the universe? How did the universe come into existence?
- How did the cosmos form?
- How did life start?
- Why is there human intelligence, consciousness, free will?
- What is a human soul?
- Why are we here?
- What is the purpose of life?
- What happens after death?
You can keep waiting for the rest of your life, and there will still be no answers (other than the nonsense that naturalism produces all the time, which opens more questions and provides no answers).
But then the response was:
Can you not accept that some knowledge is beyond our understanding?
So I said:
I do accept that… but do YOU accept it?
Do you want to know the meaning of this acceptance to me?
Here you go:
- Science should be humble and acknowledge it should stop pretending it has the answers while it does not! And this includes every important question about the physical world itself (that you claimed science has resolved while it did not).
- All reasons to believe in God stand today, just like 5000 years ago, and they will remain standing. Why? Because it is beyond science.
- God did challenge us that those questions will not be answered through physics, because the answer is: God. And his argument won, wins, and will remain winning.
- If I just blindfold myself, and look the other side, and say that God does not exist, “because of science”, then I will be lying to myself and doing myself a disservice.
- God exists, is real, He created, He cares, He communicated, we will go back to Him, and this life is what He described it to be: A Test. Whether I like it or not, it changes nothing…
- God told me that I came here (among all humans) according to my own choice, after knowing all challenges and consequences, and that after this test I will either enjoy the reward or suffer the punishment.
- He kept nothing that we need to know to pass the test as a mystery, sent messengers, sent a concise book, preserved it, gave all warnings, described the physical and the unseen, gave guidance for life, made role models out of his
prophets, saints, and pious people to show us that living His way is possible and achievable, and on top of this made a promise for an unimaginably generous reward, and a deterring punishment. - On top of all of this, considered our human nature, opened the door for repentance any time and for every single sin, and promised He will forgive the sincere.
He left us no excuse!!
So, “what do YOU accept?” is the question!
What’s your answer?