Part 1:
Some people ask; why do you do this? Why bother with preaching people and challenging the status quo?! Why don’t you just leave them alone and Que-sera-sera?!
Well, here is a story for you…
It is a story told in the last message to Humanity from God, the Quran, where a city that overlooks the sea is inhabited by people who follow the Torah, and they observe the Sabbath.
But the people of the city seem to be on a path straying away from the teachings of God’s religion; they are twisting the law, and deceiving themselves into claiming they are ok and everything is well and good, so God tests them!
The main trade in the city is fishing, and there is plenty of fish. They fish all week long except on the Sabbath when it is forbidden by Divine law to work, and they should spend the day in worship, contemplation, and spiritual peace.
But, that week came, where they went at the beginning of the week to fish as usual, on Sunday, but everyone returned back disappointed by empty nets. The same happened Monday, Tuesday, and even Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! The whole week passed without catching fish! It was a shock to everyone, and it is the Sabbath again!
But this Sabbath, they were surprised that the fish is jumping off the water in a parade of big juicy fish teasing them in front of their own eyes at the shores! So, everyone thought that the fish problem is now fixed and tomorrow we will fish again! But, no… it was not what they expected, as all the fish disappeared again the next morning when they went finishing!
The same thing happened for many weeks in a row, that it was now obvious that this was a test! Fish only comes on the Sabbath and does not come any other day of the week! The economic status of the city was dwindling, and people started having ideas!
Is it the right thing now to start fishing on the Sabbath?
Or shall we endure?
Is this just a natural phenomenon or this is really a test from God to us?!