What sets you apart is not what you make,
it is what you let-go!
Well, consider a shop owner who sells you plenty of clothes in a visit, very persuasive, and you leave the shop with a pile,
And another one who sells you less clothes, yet he tells you to leave that piece because it has a defect that he noticed while you didn’t, and the other one because it is not really your perfect fit!
The second one let go part of his profit, but he won your respect.
Which one, keeping other parameters constant, given both are good in sales skills, will be on the long-term the owner of a store-chain that is loved by loyal customers?!
But even on the longer term, who is the real winner?! The winner of his own self?!
As a salesman, remember that it is not selling that you should be doing, it is actually becoming your customer consultant (on what he needs from what you offer) that will keep the relation going long and strong, but even more important, it is this that will keep your relation with yourself long and strong, otherwise you will end up hating yourself, because gosts of the oversold sales-deals of the past will not stop haunting you (unless you manage to kill your conscious which is even worse).
Remember, it is what you let go that matters,
And guess what,
We only pick the way to get out sustenance, otherwise, it is guaranteed by our creator.
Earn it with grace!
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