Some atheists just love asking people who believe in God about miracles mentioned in their religion and then mock them for believing in it! Some like to ask Muslims if they believe in winged horses, and they mean by that the Buraq creature that was sent to Prophet Mohamed pbuh in the trip of Israa. Unfortunately some Muslims give the wrong answers as they think if they say that they believe in a winged horse then their position in the discussion will be compromised or they will be mocked. Unfortunately, it is not the right approach at all, as there is nothing to be embarrassed from when you say that you do believe in all the miracles of your true religion!
So, Horses grew wings?
No, they didn’t! Who mentioned any who did?!
A winged-horse that took the prophet in a trip from Macca to Jerusalem was not a horse that grew wings. It is a creature sent down for that purpose specifically.
Are you required to believe it happened independently?
No, you are required to make up your mind about the existence of God, and when you believe He exists, then creating any creature is not an issue, if you believe He created the Cosmos and all what is therein.
Did the winged horse take him to outer space?
No, who said so? Your information is wrong.
Did the Prophet travel to heaven? Yes.
How? Using another tool that is called “Me’araj” which translates as “Spiral elevator” or “Spiral Stairway”.
Does it mean he was exposed to outer space without a space suite?
No, it doesn’t.
Is God capable however of exposing a human being to any condition without causing harm to Him?
Yes He can.
Why didn’t He do it then?
Because the objective of the trip was not to go to outer space, it was to go to the seven heavens which are outside and are probably a hyper dimensional existence beyond our cosmos.
Can a creation of this cosmos penetrate to the higher order heavens?
Yes, but only if the creator of the earth, the cosmos, and the heavens ordained it.
Through the tools that God sends down to Him, (which is what happened in this specific case), or through God’s direct command. Nothing is prohibitive to God’s power.
Religion and epistemology?
You don’t approach religion through your external senses! You accept God through logic, and accept His religion through examining its evidence that it is God’s religion, and then religion becomes a source of Knowlegde and part of your epistemology.
Is reality what we can test?
No, it is not. Reality is what there actually is, whether we can test or not. Our understanding of reality is what we can test from it, or learn from others who experienced it or tested it. When you believe that God exists, you can learn about reality from Him and from His prophets.
That’s why epistemology is center stage in this discussion.
So, where is the staring point?
You need to focus on resolving that there is God through logical arguments about yourself, life, and the cosmos.
Then find His messages,
Then find the last and final message,
And then your knowledge will be dramatically expanded way beyond what you can experience and what you can test.
Peace be upon you all.
Finding Truth