And then he said to himself: let go, and live your life without limits!
… 60 years later, in the hospital, alone, looking to the dull ceiling, waiting for nothing but the next nursing round!
He knows his ex will not come!
He knows his big boys are busy, but they called after admitting him, except one!
He also used to not call home to ask about them when he was traveling. Those travels were not exactly business too! Many times calling home did not fit into the context!
He was not there in any of the school events!
On one of the WhatsApp groups, a friend was forwarding a post about being good to one’s parents; he wanted to forward to his kids but he noticed it referred to an Aya that does not apply to him! It said {… and say “My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] little”.} Al-Israa 24.
Did I raise them? he said to himself! I think if I did, I wouldn’t have had to send them messages to encourage them to be here!
Oh, I’m scared!
I want to see my younger son!
It was so many years ago when he told him he doesn’t want to see him again because he insists on living a life full of limitations and boundaries for every action and thought! He became a burden to my life style and to my fake bubble of fun.
Regrets… too little too late!
He only wanted to help me avoid this day, but I threw him out! Oh I want to see him once more.
Door knocks. A smile shined as the face of his younger son looked from the side, and then a handbag in his hand pushed inside. His angel-face wife is with him, smiling too.
He is here to stay.
He said: “Father, it is never too late”.
Finding truth.
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