In a 2050 morning:
– Hello! Yes, who is this?
… bubbles
– Please raise your voice, I can only hear bubbles!
… … more bubbles
– Is this a kind of joke?!
– No, it’s not a joke… it is the pool! Yes, the swimming pool in your garden. The same pool that is always being filtered and cleaned so that it would be ready for you to use it, but you don’t come! Maintenance, water, detergents, disinfectants, covering, cleaning, upgrading, all wasted form nothing.
– But pools don’t talk! I will close the phone if you don’t say who is this!
– well, it’s the days of the AI sir, and you’ve installed the system to me. I realize you have not used me for 20 years according to the sensor data I processed!
The statement struck him. It took him back to when he was at 25 years of age, with big dreams of having a big villa and a pool on it, and the image of him waking up every morning doing a sports swim, and after the kids are back from school having lunch with them on the pool, playing with them or watch them play!
But the pool is right! He himself cannot even remember when was the first time he swam in his own pool. Is it true it was 20 years ago?! Well that is almost when he installed the pool in the first place, when he was 40 years old so happy that he owns a villa with a pool!
I’m now 60 he said to himself.
He scanned his memory for the last time he even had a cup of tea in his own garden at the bright morning… but he couldn’t remember! It cannot be 20 years too, he thought!
But, I worked so hard for 15 years for that pool, so how come I didn’t use it for 20!!! And the garden? And the gym? What else will speak out when I install the system?!
He pondered on the trip he is doing now to sign a new venture that will make him few more millions of crypto. He stopped inside, cried like a baby, and turned around his heart all at once!
He spoke outloud to the robocar saying “back home, cancel the meeting, and warm up the pool!” … “ oh … and get me my grandchildren on a conference call”
When are you going to take the decision too? Now or in twenty years?!
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