Do you have a major step in your life that you wanted to take for so long and only fear is stopping you from taking it?
Leaving a job, changing career, moving from this house, making your own business, investing in the stock market, leaving fixed income instruments, … does any of this ring a bell?
Or even confronting serious issues at home, taking a stand with your children about their behavior, proposing marriage to someone you admire, ending a miserable relationship, fixing broken ties with someone dear to you?
Do you even have fears from stopping to do a certain sin just because you are afraid that you will not be able to do so and then you will feel worse?!!
Well, let me tell you something:
The one thing to be feared is fear itself!!
If it is about jobs or careers: any single day a business can crash and you will have to change; why not do it based on your own choice?
If it is about investments: didn’t even people with cash money in the bank wake up the next day to find the whole currency badly devaluated? Why can’t you take the risk yourself?
If it is about family: get it done, because leaving it this way causes you to cry everyday… better cry one day than everyday.
If it is about marriage: just ask, and get a yes or a no and move forward!
If it is about guilt: let guilt do it’s magic, and just follow it to stop, even if you fail, do it again!
But what is it that can help you take all those steps?
Yes, one thing: faith.
ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه.
But maybe the real origin of all of those fears is that you are embarrassed to ask God for support because your very relationship with him is broken!
So, if you don’t find enough faith to do all or any of the above, then the most important decision in your life is lacking and lagging, so do it now:
Fix your relation with God!
Finding Truth
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