Many ask for raises, but how many ask for a salary reduction ever?!
Employment is a relation of buy and sell.
What happens if you are selling something that is not good? It is considered cheating on your customer. If you know there is a defect in your goods or that they are outdated, it is the honest thing to declare it and offer a discount. The buyer is then making an informed decision and can take it or leave it; no cheating! You can even just declare the issue and not change the price at all, if you think it is fair, and the buyer can take his informed decision.
Now, you need to ask yourself: are you delivering to your employer the worth of the salary he is paying you?
If not, then you need to do something about it.
The first thing and the most important thing is that you declare it to yourself: I am not giving what corresponds to what I am taking!
And this is about delivery, not just spending the time at office or online. The employer is not buying your time, but rather buying your #productivity !
The second thing would be to go open about it with your manager or the business owner! Maybe you lack training that you need so you’d be productive given new technology that you don’t understand. Maybe you are going through tough time and you lack concentration. Maybe you are just out of energy and need a break, even if an unpaid one! Maybe you’re just demotivated and out of mode!! Maybe you even think you need to work less for the same money! It doesn’t matter, just spell it out!
The third thing is to be ready to accept the reaction of your employer to what you will say! I would expect in the vast majority of cases you will be very well appreciated upon doing this, and you will get the help, support, motivation, and follow up that you need; but most importantly, you will get #respect!
Remember that respect is almost a guaranteed win here, even if you lose on the materialistic aspect, you will gain this most important thing. But even more valuable than the respect of your employer, is your own #selfrespect!
The price for not giving as much as you take is self depletion and feeling empty and bad from inside. But why?! The fact is that inside each of us there is a seeded jewel of morality, what is called Fitra (the God given ruler against which right and wrong is measured), and there is no escape from it. An effect of it is called your #conscious, which can get very hard on you and cause you depression if you neglect it!
Gaining self-respect means that you become at ease with your Fitra.
The door to an active relation with God starts here! If you open this door, then you have a green and bright way to walk!
Now, you can likewise be honest and fair with your kids, your wife, your parents, and your family and friends. Checking up with your Fitra if your are giving and not only taking!
Now, kneel at the largest door of all. The door of The One who has given you everything; God – Allah, and knock!
Finding Truth