Are you the smartest or hardest working but not well compensated?
The smartest don’t get the highest pay: Einstein was smarter than you!
The hardest working don’t get the highest pay: a hand worker works harder than you.
The smartest and hardest working don’t get the highest pay: many brilliant startups fail.
The best educated don’t get the highest pay: otherwise why are many earning more than their university professors!
The wisest don’t get the highest pay: otherwise why are many earning more than their parents?!
The smartest, hardest working, and best well educated don’t get the highest pay: Nobel prize winners are not on the Fortune 500 list!
If you are getting the highest pay among your peers: thank God.
If you’re not getting the highest pay; you are getting higher than so many who deserve to be paid more than you!
We are here to be tested, not to be compensated. Remember that!
Do your best and pass the test!
Finding Truth