Do theists and creationists make a “god of the gaps” fallacy?
Or is it that atheists and evolutionists abuse the “god of the gaps” argument?!
Some people ask for evidence for God, but when they see it they still call it a “God of the gaps fallacy”… they invoke “argument from ignorance”, incredulity, gullibility, we just don’t know, science will know one day… etc.
But is this a truthful argument?
Well, there needs to be a mechanism that distinguishes between what is just a gap in our knowledge,that will be closed one day or the other, and what is truly a sign for God.
So, I propose to you to use simple criteria! Something is evidence for God if God has unequivocally used it as evidence for Him in His book, and in this context I invoke the Quran (since I am a Muslim) – but I expect the same criteria can be used to the Abrahamic religions too.
An example would be the creation of the universe itself, or the creation of life, or the human being… etc, where God had unequivocally indicated that He had intervened to make those events happen, and not through mechanical processes of nature.
Even in our daily lives, He introduces new souls to this works every day, which causes our consciousness.
Those are not gaps, but are evidence for God…! No doubt about it.
Peace be upon you.
Finding Truth