Is it possible to find God through a combination of science and scripture?
Can that be applied in a methodological way?
A methodology is laid out for those who want to use science to find God.
We argue that the scientifically minded are well equipped and properly guided by God to find Him; as God did not conceal himself away from our perception, but rather he left the trace that we can follow.
We debunk the claims of evolutionists, materialists, and agnostics, that they reject God because there is no way to believe in Him and still remain “scientific” in their approach.
You can read the below article for the argument, or watch the attached few minutes video, or even both!
Does God give a promise to scientifically oriented people to find him, or they will be blocked from God through their scientific mind?
Can they find the unmistakable signs of the Hand of the Lord?
Lets do some tracing for the signs of the Lord!
In one of those horsemen of Atheism interviews, the moderator asked the guest this question: “What if you’re wrong, and you meet God after you die, what will you tell Him?”
and the man says: “I will ask him: why did he conceal himself so well so we cannot find him?”
But, the reality is that God did not conceal himself at all. To the contrary completely.
However, we need first to understand the nature of the life that we are living here on earth. This is essentially a test ground. We are here to be given free will and be judged at the end based on what we have taken of choices.
Lets’ say you want to put someone under the test, for example, of driving properly in the actual street environment, and you want to make sure that you are observing his real driving qualities… you you give him the keys of a car, and tell him to go drive at will for few days. You tell him that you will reward him according to the way he drives… However, you don’t ride with him. The man, thinking that he is unattended, drives and does what he will do. What he does not know is that you are watching him through every type of sensor in the car, through the camera’s in the street, and even some people were following him.
Now, for sure, he would not have made those reckless moves if you were sitting in the navigator seat! And now, you will know if you will entrust him with the lives of the 50 school boys and girls you wanted him to drive to school every day!
A story says that a king wanted to test someone for giving him his daughter. He goes disguised as a poor man and meets him in the street. He makes friends with him, and then, now being close to him, he understands all his manners and what he thinks of the princess, and you know if this is a man worthy of the marriage or he is an imposter.
Great quests require equivalently great tests.
In this world, God tells us we are here for the test. He sets the highest reward for the righteous, eternal love and perpetual happiness in heaven, and he also sets the highest punishment for those how oppress and abuse the freedom given to them. It is definitely counter productive to the test if God would show us a camera pointing to everyone popping down from the sky at us! However, in fairness, he tells us that we are monitored all the time, and every deed is going to be measured and rewarded.
Belief vs disbelief loses their meaning when there is a direct observation,
and loses meaning also when its about something that is totally inaccessible.
So, it is intuitive that in this test-ground God will not be obvious to the extent that the test of belief and piety loses its meaning, and it is also intuitive that he should not totally conceal himself to the extent that he is totally inaccessible for those who want to find him, believe in him, connect to him, and live their lives in the way he prescribed to them.
In my observation, he does all of this, in the scientific domain:
1. Inquiry: He gives us the need for inquiry, which lead us to asking questions that He would then provide uncontestable answer to.
2. Messengers: To start with, He sends messengers to declare his existence, and communicate his message. He sends evidence with those messengers to support their authenticity.
3. Interventions: Breaking Causality and telling us He did so: For those who will be enslaved by their rational thinking, He breaks the causality of this universe by direct interventions at very critical points, and lets us know about those points beforehand. Those are the living evidence of our finite knowledge, and He sets through them the limits where science will fail to successively take us to explain the universe (essentially only leaving Him as an answer!).
4. Challenges: He also sets challenges to us, that regardless how advanced our science and technology, there will remain matters, that we witness, that humans will never be able to perform, reach, or breach. He keeps them as the perpetual challenges to our intellect and to the causality (that he knew with his wisdom) that it will be worshiped at the end of the human history, as standing evidence that He has created the Human race and He knows the limitations of creation.
5. Unknown Science facts: In His book, the final one, the Quran, which is here to stand the test of time until the end of time, he also tells us about futuristic scientific “facts” or insinuates to them, so that when the time comes and we get to know them, then we reflect their presence in His book, and hence serves as a confirmation for the validity of the message and its undisputed source.
6. Setting limits to knowledge: He even goes on setting absolute limits to our knowledge, not only that there is no scientific explanation for something, but also that the phenomenon itself is beyond measure.
7. Declares Purpose of His design and sends consistent guidance for life: In His messages, He will indicate the purpose of His creation. Through understanding our purpose, we will find the answers to design questions that were yet unanswered, or unanswered at the time of the message, but even more importantly, He sends His guidance to human life that is consistent with both purpose and design.
So, for example, for the matter of our own creation, he would do the following:
1. Existential questions: We are created to question (a) who created us, (b) why are we here, and (c) what happens after death. All three questions lead to Him.
2. Declares He created man: He sends in His books that He created us, tells the story, and through the story we can fill the gap in our questions about who, why, and what’s next!
3. Interventions: Our appearance in the fossil record cannot be explained by our theories, and requires external intervention. Language, spoken & written, and Human intellect cannot be explained by causality from within the system of the cosmos, leading inevitably to an external intervention from none but the Creator of the universe..
4. Challenge: He challenges us to raise the dead, and He even sends messengers who actually raise the dead to show that it is actually possible by none but Him, and that we cannot do it!
5. Unknown science facts: e.g. embryology: He gives accurate information about the development of the fetus from conception to birth. His descriptions lead us to believe that the message is indeed coming from The Creator.
6. Setting Limits to our knowledge: He breathes soul into us, and it is primary to our existence as sentient conscious reasoning beings, and He asserts that the phenomenon of the soul cannot be explained except by being of His command. It sets a limit to our understanding of this aspect of our own being.
7. Declares Purpose of His design and sends consistent guidance for life: He declares that the purpose of our existence is to worship at free will and rule in justice and hence be judged according to our choices: It explains the introduction of will, mind, language, learning, and civilization. He sends His books to provide the guidance that is consistent with the purpose that He’s set for our creation.
And, so, now, after this introduction, we set ourselves to embark on the journey to explore more of the big questions and their answers, following this methodology to find God’s unmistakable signs.
We follow this with the story of creation of man; us!
Finding Truth