(Intelligent agent is God)
Please show me a natural spontaneous non-living system that is able to reduce its entropy while simultaneously increasing its energy… do you have any?!!
I am making this question, because many have cherry picked through my previous post concerning the second law of thermodynamics, and all the responses were about whether the system is open or closed, while this issue was already addressed in the post and the conclusion of the post was this specific question:
>>>We can also argue that natural systems always tend to stabilize at the lowest energy state striving for equilibrium, while entropy is also at work increasing disorder. No natural system will go to a state where both its energy increases (making it at disequilibrium with the surroundings) while also decreasing its entropy… both phenomena are characteristic of life, where a living cell maintains disequilibrium with the surroundings (through creating proton gradients) which maintains homeostasis, meanwhile the environment inside the cell is amazingly ordered and complex (very low entropy)! This cannot be achieved denovo except as the product of the work of a mind!
In conclusion, the only viable solution for a mindless world that hosts such mindful magnificent complexity, that we call life, is an Intelligent, potent, and persistent supreme being who is external to the system and not bound by it (supernatural); we call him God! <<<
Please answer the question if you want to make a case for Abiogenesis, then this should be the first step (in a long series of steps).
I am attaching the full post here for reference:
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Ahmed Abd ElSattar
Finding Truth.