– In a discussion about evidence for a soul, I said:
What is your objection that there is a soul in the first place? Just that you cant take it to the lab? It is called super-natural, so it will not go with you to the lab, you know!
– So, he said:
I have not objected to there being a soul, I have asked for your evidence they exist, of course you have non which is why you dance around the question.
– To which my response was:
You have a bad definition of evidence, so maybe that is why when I give you some you don’t recognize it as evidence…
Effects are evidence… we have evidence for gravity because we see that thing fall towards the ground. We don’t see gravity.
By your definition, you will reject this as evidence for gravity, and I cannot bring you other evidence.
The evidence of a soul are the effects of the soul:
Our awareness, conscious, feelings, emotions, dreams, premonitions… and our first person experiences.
Those are big topics, and I explain them in my playlist.
Now, you don’t need the playlist, because they are YOUR observations too as much as mine.
So, now you will say this is the effect of a brain and not a soul.
Ok, good, bring a computer and make it self-aware please!
We don’t know what awareness is in physical terms, but we know what it is NOT… it is not a calculation!
We also know a dead body cannot be resurrected… has this not captured your attention?
The difference between a dead human and a living human is???!!
Well, if all the above cannot convince you, then mind you, I cannot show you more than the effects of a soul, just like the effects of gravity.
So here is it:
A soul is there, and it is supernatural, just as its creator (God) is supernatural.
he promised we will not understand it and we are NOT going to be able no matter what or how or who tries to simulate it, we will fail.
Challenge stands.
If you don’t like it, match it!
Finding Truth