… so I said:
I think I might be getting your point… (correct me if I am wrong): you want life forms, especially ours, to be perfect in the sense that we don’t suffer; No disease, no back pain, and maybe no aging, no cancer, and no disorders?! Even no risks and hazards of being eaten or hunted down?
I notice when I asked about abominations you mainly mentioned things under one of those categories, but those are not abominations to me. This is the nature of life. It is DESIGNED this way. It is a testing ground.
You see, the kind of world you are looking for where nature is all to your side, life is perfect, and there is no death, is what is called paradise. A sample of paradise was also demonstrated in a garden of Eden. So, what you are talking about is understood, but it is just NOT here. It is after you pass this test.
God says: “And the human has been created weak” (Quran: Nisa’a, 28)
It means that part of the design is that our bodies are not like a bear or a gorilla. Maybe to balance out the capacity of our brain and to reduce our abilities to oppress and destroy.
He says: “ And he to whom We grant long life We reverse (degrade) in creation; so will they not think (understand)?” (Quran, Yassine:68)
So expect a back that will bend with your age, and expect the walking stick.
He says “And Allah created you; then He will take you in death. And among you is he who is reversed to the most decrepit [old] age so that he will not know, after [having had] knowledge, a thing” (Quran, Nahl: 70).
Expect death is inevitable (forget trans humanism), and expect Alzheimer’s.
Life is tough, yes it is… but it is designed this way. He told Adam before sending him to earth that earthly life is tough:
“So We said, O Adam, indeed this is an enemy to you and to your wife. Then let him not remove you from Paradise so you would suffer.” (Quran, Taha:117)
You see, the perfection of design is always always a function in purpose.
For example, if you are producing disposable coffee cups, it is not a good design to make them out of glass… or even thick plastic. Thin plastic is good; just thick enough to not break.
All diseases are here as part of the design of life. There is no disease in the afterlife.
You can’t complain about the disease.
When windows hang on you, it is a bad design, because its purpose does not include hanging and making you lose your work.
But when your back and neck become weak, it is part of your design.
Yet, we have been given guidance to avoid severe degradation of our body and our brain, in God’s law, and we need to follow it to reduce the degradation effects.
You have to consider all three aspects together when you are looking at life to appreciate the reasons things are the way they are:
1. Purpose (you know it from the One who created)
2. Design (overall, not piecemeal).
3. Guidance (instructions of the Creator about how to use the product of the design)!
For if you miss any of it you will be perplexed.
PS: I have mentioned this argument in episode 6, signs in science. It was point number 7 in the methodology (HYG: https://youtu.be/YQ93K3HIrvU).
Life IS beautiful and wonderful if you take all three together, but if you don’t have this epistemology, it becomes full of fear, suffering, and questions.
What is your take on the above?