=== some asked me this:
“What specific, testable evidence would convince you that you’re wrong about Evolution or Creationism?
=== my response is:
Let me tell you that you addressed two independent issues that I will also address independently:
1. Evolution:
ToE is a scientific theory, so it is normal to attempt to falsify it.
However, the problem with evolution is not falsifying it, because it does not give evidence for the potency of its primary mechanism in the first place, which is Random Mutations plus Natural Selection.
When there is real evidence that Random mutation can produce design and order as complex as life as we know it, then falsification will have context!
2. Creationism:
It is a belief not a scientific theory.
Yet, it never stops at the point of creationism, it actually goes back to believing in a creator as a first step, so, it proceeds like this:
A. You believe in “a” creator, a personal God.
B. You seek which is the true God, by evaluating messengers and messages.
C. You settle on one messenger/message, and hence religion; this is done through Evidence.
D. You apply your religion to your life. And through experience, you will either deepen your belief (because you will see it delivers what it promised), or you find it is fake, in which case you go back to number B to find the true religion.
Now, how to falsify Creationism depends on how someone reaches there.
To me, reaching creationism is through deductive reasoning. So, the way to undermine it is to prove that another alternative is way more plausible than it.
For example, I make deductive reasoning about the matter in a video called Truth1 and Truth2. My book makes the same reasoning. It goes like this:
Existence is either created by:
1. Us: simulation hypothesis.
2. Aliens.
3. Universe always existed / Universe created itself (Quantum fluctuations) / Bouncing universes.
To me:
1, 2 are just moving the goalposts, because the question will remain who created the ones running the simulation (us) or the aliens who created us.
3, does not make sense, does not obey causality, not consistent with current theories that show that the universe begins.
So, now you are left with one of two things
1. “Believe” that the universe needs no cause (hence grab to an alternative to God without evidence).
2. Conclude that God is the mandatory cause, and also the first cause to avoid infinite regress and comply with Occams’s razor.
I choose 2 and find it totally made sense.
I then investigated messengers and messages and found that the most logical is the last, final, most updated, uncorrupted one, which is Islam.
I applied religion to my life and find that it delivers what it promises, not contradictory with any science, and makes me live happily.
This is my story and my reasoning.
Let me know what you think.