Today, someone complained that he does not believe in God because of a father who abused his daughter for 14 years in a basement…
He told me God is responsible because He architected this life.
I said:
God architected this place with free will…
So, what do you want exactly?
If you go ballistic and you’re about to hit your child with a bat, you expect for example that a hand would appear and hold your hand and hit you instead?
Do you expect that God will send an angel to kill every murderer or rapist?
Why stop at children?
What about women, the elderly, and innocent people dying of hunger and disease?
What about genocide and war crimes?
Will God send angels to stop those too?
What about nuking another country and hundreds of thousands die?
God sends an angel to stop the B51?
Wake up!
We have free will.
This life is a test…
There is a judgment day coming.
Everyone will pay the price of his actions.