I argued evidence for God with a fellow atheist, and hence I say:
Creationism offers a straight and clear explanation to apparent design – which is one of intent and purpose.
Naturalism offers a belief system that asserts that order would arise from chaos, arrangement will occur against the direction of entropy, and no matter how unlikely, the next-to-impossible will still happen. I find this a very far-fetched worldview, against intuition, against observation, and against the basic laws of physics.
It is an overkill of a force-fed worldview spanning from Quantum fluctuations to big-bang to life to the human condition!
None of our existential questions are answered by evolution or its larger philosophical naturalism umbrella, and it posts the excuse that there is no purpose or intent at all.
I find this not acceptable to a life where order and design are obvious in everything from atomic structures to planetary orbits, and from a Jelly fish to a human brain. A sun flower, that is an artist-painting, is not a product of chaos as much as a beautifully brushed butterfly wing is not scrambled drops of ink! This is not here by chance! No!
And still, even our own observation to our selves are unexplained, namely what we call our “soul”.
Yet, life is a choice.
— So he says:
If design is “obvious” what are the defining features of it?
— I say:
That’s a a good question!
The most obvious feature in my opinion is that of “Systems”!
You don’t only have DNA, but you also have a nucleus to house it, histones to wrap it, a transcription system to read it, a messenger to convey it, a splicer to edit it, a ribosome to translate it, amino acids that are equivalent to the codons on it, proteins that are needed by the body coded on it, enzymes to fold the resulting proteins in the exact ways needed for them to perform their functions in the body, and then the unbelievable microtubules transportation system inside the cell to move products around it, and then how it is directed exactly to the places that need it at the time they are needed!!! And the mysterious systems behind that which calculate what is needed, where, in what quantify, and when!!!!
This realm is like a dream.
This is beyond anything that even our imagination could have imagined to be taking place!
All of which happening autonomously without our intervention, in our own bodies.
This is only a scene where you’d stand still and prostrate to the magnificent creator who’s created all of this.
Praise be to Him.
None else.
— He asks:
And you attribute complexity to an intelligence?
— I say:
Not only complexity,
But “integrated” complex systems…
Very intricately integrated systems…
And a computing engine behind it that we do not even start to understand!
And a compactness in the programming language of this whole thing that is beyond our most imagined compression techniques! Yet we only understand few percentages of it until this day!
And error correction mechanisms that are so sophisticated and so smart to a stunning level!
Look at how DNA is replicated.
Look at how after replication there is error correction.
Look at the time gap in methylation that is intentionally put there so that the correction system identifies which is the parent and which is the daughter strand and then corrects the copied one not the original!
Look at how there are many levels of error correction.
Look at the signaling system for chromatid separation and division.
Look at the microtubules and how they work with the protein motors to signal for division…
Look at it all!
It is a marvel.
A marvel of systems never imagined.
All this is in a tiny microscopic yet a cosmopolitan metropolis “cell”!
Just one cell.
We have some 40 trillion cells in the human body!!
They coordinate.
And we are not even aware of it!!!
And what else?
All of them come from just one cell, the meeting of a sperm and an ovum.
And even that!!
look how they are designed for each other?!
Look at how the sperm fits the ovum.
Like the male fits the female!
Integrated design every where.
Look how everything changes once fertilization takes place!
Look how the female body, all of it, reacts.
What harmony!
What marvel!
What beauty!
Is this a product of accident?!
All of this.
One cell of 46 chromosomes then make a full human being!
Which is me and you!
Now talking and discussing.
Even some denying the marvelous One who made all of this happen.
He watches and He is patient.
It is amazing how small we are versus His magnificence, yet He is patient.
He gives us time to ponder His wonders, and grow over our arrogance, that is only due to his empowerment to our abilities.
He gives us time to grow and replace arrogance with gratitude, love, and compassion.
And that is why we are here.
Life is a choice.
Finding Truth