In the Quran, Gospel, and the Torah, God makes it very clear that He has created Adam directly, in human image, in perfected proportions, with an standing upright posture. He asserts that the first human was a male (Adam) and that the first female was created from Adam and her name was (Hawaa’ – Eve)! We would have expected that the first would be a woman and that she will then give birth to a children, or maybe that he creates a pair of a man and a woman, but He chose to create one and make the other out of him.
Today, we know that the male human being has both the X and Y chromosomes (X Y), while the female has only X chromosomes (X X), and hence, if you don’t have a couple, then it is actually only possible to causally procreate a full female from a male, but not possible to procreate a full male from a female! After the direct creation of Adam and Eve, conception became through marriage of a couple, and this is he design of life.
So, in the story of creation God has left us pointers to scientific signs to verify that the story of creation as told by Him is the truth, and the truth will always stand, no matter what other false claims are made.
And as this signs have taken us to the chromosomes, we should then look deeper and trace this thread of evidence to see what else will it tell us. So, lets do some forensics and see what else do the chromosomes tell us! And when we talk to them, we find that they will tell us much much more than we would have expected!
To start with, we are confronted by the fact that Humans have the distinct number of chromosomes of 46 (2 * 23), while all great ape species have 48 (2 * 24) chromosomes! So, how come are we claimed to be great apes, and is it possible that an offspring will have a different number of chromosomes from his parents?
We examine this puzzle and its implications to gain confidence whether we are the children of Adam or Ape in this landmark episode of “God Exists” series:
Adam or Ape, who is our Father? | God Exists 13| Origins of Humanity, Creation or Evolution?! https://youtu.be/2LYFcFyM_uc
So, watch it, like it, and share it with those who need it. May this be a good deed for us to meet God with on Judgement day.
Finding Truth