How come there are so many people around us who want to know God and connect to Him, but still only few of them actually take the decision to start the journey?
Why are you not doing it if you want it so much?
Let’s explore what we need to take the first step…
Well, the thing that is preventing you from pursuing the path to truly worship God, is that you are already worshiping other false Gods! They are controlling your body, your mind, and your soul; and they are doing it through your addictions that they have established over your course of life.
Maybe you don’t realize it, but I will prove it to you.
You see, in the heart of worship there is: following the guidance of whom you worship!
So, let’s take a typical day in your life:
You wake in the morning, and you cannot start your day without your coffee. Maybe because you don’t have good night sleep, which made you dependent on coffee to wake you up. You’re addicted to coffee!
You would now put on a suite or a dress. But, let me ask: Who picked it for you? No, it’s not you! It was chosen by the false God of Fashion, who determines what style of suite or dress you should wear this season, and what color! You don’t have control over what you wear!
You get out of your flat or house, and would drive your car to work! Your house is on mortgage, and your car is bought on installments, and is insured. You are in debt since long time, and you hate being in debt. Many things in life you cannot say “NO” to because you have to pay the installments. You did it because the false god of finance convinced you through indoctrination and social peer-pressure that you have to live in debt, and you couldn’t say NO. You are a slave of the bank and the insurance company and the real estate financier, and they make you a slave of your fixed income.
If you own a business, the slavery is there too, to the false god of finance. You know that the bank makes money regardless if you do or not, and you hate it, but you can’t say “No”! You don’t have control over your money!
During work, you also consume few more cups of coffee, and you keep checking your social media account on unreasonably short intervals! You are addicted to “likes”, views, and followers. You keep reporting to him every aspect of your life, thoughts, and memories, and keep checking-in into places! You are a slave to the false god of social acceptance! Even when you want to pray, you feel it must be on a tweet or a post! It’s ridiculous!
During work, you don’t particularly like the way business is run, but you enslave your subordinates the same way you are enslaved, because you worship the false god of corporate values, turning you and your colleagues into machines.
Back home, you are tired, but you have a compulsion to watch news that makes you unhappy, and TV series that make you anxious.
If you have some free time, maybe your heart will have a chance to wonder freely about your creator, but once you are idle, your mind will immediately play tunes of music that you are addicted to, or you will pick up the headphones on your ears while you’re jogging or walking. You are programmed to go on auto-pilot when you’re idle! You don’t have control over your thoughts, because you worship the false god of media! And he tells you want to watch, and think, even when don’t want to think.
Now, hopefully, you don’t abuse yourself by other more harmful consumption of media over the internet… so you don’t hate yourself and your life even more!
It makes no sense to you now to pray to your true God, because your heart knows that it will be a false prayer, for you have been following and worshiping the false gods all day long, so, what does it mean to pray to a God that has no share in your time, body, mind, or soul! Your heart cannot just do it. Your heart knows the truth!
Now, you might need the pill to sleep, because peace does not come to you on the pillow, and as a result, in the morning, you will need the coffee again!
If you are fed up of all of this, and I think you must be, then… the starting point is to wake up to the truth; to the fact that abandoning being a servant of God has made you a servant of many false gods- they are merciless and ruthless. You see, false gods consume you and give you no happiness or peace in return.
You have now realized the slave masters who make you work for the false gods. Do not give them control over your body, mind, and sole any more… and when they come to claim you, run to Him, asking for help with your heart and He will give you the strength.
You will not attempt to break out of slavery unless and until you realize you are already enslaved! And now that you have realized, the spell is broken, and its time to take the step, with your heart, and pray truly to Him for the first time since a long time:
“I know You are there; I want to be Your servant alone. Show me the way!”
And now, as a free human being, who only answers to Him, you can have the power to seek His path, and find His people to take your hand.
If you taste freedom, use it.
Your journey has just started.
Thank you
Finding Truth