Is it guaranteed that he who seeks God with find him?
Is there a process that you can follow to connect to God?
The first question would be: Does God want to be found? And does he want to connect to us?
And the answer is, for sure, Yes! And that’s why he sent messengers across history since Adam.
But then the question is: Are you really looking?
Let’s compare to what we do in other serious endeavors of our lives.
If you are pursuing fortune for example, you get the right education, you know you have to take risks by starting a business that might fail once and twice, but you keep trying! If you’re smart and lucky, you’d find yourself a good coach how knows about success and failure and has experienced both! You focus on satisfying your customers, until you succeed! Amd success is just the beginning, but you have to do a continuous effort to keep nurturing your business, to grow and become sustainable, and give you back the fortune you wanted.
Even if you just want a steady income, you’d get education or training, apply for jobs, and do interviews, and when you have the job, you’ll do your best to achieve the goals of your employer… you’ll be smart and lucky if you have an internal coach in your company who will show you the way, … because you will want to grow in the corporate ladder, get promotions and raises, and have a more senior role.
You see, pursuing a serious goal always involves, education, coaching, effort and patience, and then persistence in maintenance. They go together for sustained success.
Even in personal quests like family and heath:
If you want to make a family, you seek your sole mate with serious efforts, because there are risks of making the wrong choices and getting into the wrong marriage! You also probably ask for advice from people whom you trust. And when you get into the relationship, you need to nourish it to keep it alive and vibrant. If you don’t, it dies away and becomes dull. In many cases, you also have a role model or a mentor to help you with marital issues with wisdom. Typically people who have successful families themselves.
If you want to find health, you find a nutritionist or a trainer, you do exercises, you eat right, and you sweat alot, you run long ways or lift heavy weights, and then when you are in the right shape, you still need to maintain it and keep working hard to keep it.
… and so on.
For every important quest in one’s life, fame, fortune, family, or health, there is a straight way, a mentor, and effort of the body, mind, and soul, and then there is the maintenance and nourishment that keeps the success alive!
Now, you need to ask yourself a question: Is your quest to find God and know Him as serious as the other important quests of your life?
You hate your life, and the void inside is consuming you, but you’re still doing nothing serious about it!
But if you now want to be serious about it, here is what you need to do:
– First, Start your Quest, and don’t suppress your heart. Your heart wants to find Him and knows the way.
– Second, Get your education and enlighten yourself, as God has not left us, he sent books to us to know Him. Read his book. Don’t read people, read the book itself. It can speak for itself.
– Third, Get the coach, and find the people who know God, and they will show you the way! and be picky!
– Fourth, be sincere that when you find Him you will let him guide you! and beware that He sees your heart!
– Fifth, Pray to Him, pray all the time: “God, I want to find you, show me the way, show me the right path!”
You ask, how can you pray to Him if you don’t know Him and you didn’t find him yet?
Well, … He knows you!
Finding Truth