Some ask the Question: How do I know which of the religions out there is the true one? If I choose the wrong God and the wrong religion, isn’t it going to be as bad as not choosing a religion at all?
Well, No!
First, we have already argued there is only One God. He sends messengers to Humanity in different places and different times to convey the message, which lets us know about God and His guidance for our life. It is hence not strange that there are many religions from the same God. All those religions are originally valid and authentic, as long as they teach to worship the One God.
The problem is that those messages get corrupted by human hands after the departure of God’s prophets, as disciples and following generations are entrusted with the maintenance and delivery of the messages to those who come after. Yet, since God cares about us, He sends more messengers to correct the course and remove the corruptions.
Corruptions always include creating false partners to God, images, idols, and agents. People benefit from the corruptions that happen to the religions of God. Emperors, kings, and rulers claim divine rights and get support from people who corrupt the religions (typically asserting themselves as agents to God) for the benefit of royalties. But yet again, more messengers come to reset the course.
Upcoming messengers are usually prophesied by their predecessors so that there is positive identification. A final message with a final messenger has been sent down by God to humanity to correct the course of all the previous ones back to the original message taught by the messengers and prophets of the One God.
So, are there 2000 gods if there are 2000 religions?! No, it is only One God, but there can be many religions.
So, what to do?
Go back to the scripture of your religion and you will find the One God, so worship Him alone, without any partners or idols. Set aside the corruptions of man in your religion and you will find the truth. Find the prophecy of the final messenger who has come to humanity and you will find Him. Do your own research because it is your responsibility to do it.
Read the final message sent to Humanity, the final book from the One God, it is called the Quran.
And what will happen if you do this effort sincerely and die while you are still on the way? The good news is that God will accept you (God willing) if you have done it sincerely and have not tricked yourself through bias and self-confirmation, because the way is in itself the ultimate destination.
So, walk the way, and you will either find the truth, or you will at least die trying.
Peace be upon you.