Is Evolution: A theory with Gaps, or a theory OF Gaps?!
Watch the video and read the article: https://youtu.be/QlZqwLkJr2s
So, in our strange world, Evolution is “marketed” as if it is a “FACT”!
However, the fact is that it is no where even close to being a fact.
It is not even good enough to be a theory! It is fake science.
But before making such a strong assertion, we should look at what is a fact and what is a theory, and what is just a claim, … and lets do it in simple words so as not to be lost in Jargon!
A fact is like when you say: “An apple falls to the ground”. It is a repeatable observation.
A theory is like when you say: “The reason is that there is an attraction force that I will call gravity which depends on the mass of the two objects and the square of the distance between them”. Which is what was theorized by Sir Isaac Newton in this case.
Now, people cannot just come up with theories put of thin air like this. They need to be supported by evidence, which is essentially observations and measurements based on which they have arrived to their theory. The measurements need to be repeatable, and hence can be tested by others if they want to validate it.
People can now use the theory, for example, to calculate expected results of events that did not happen yet… so, they can for example, make calculations that help them in understanding the trajectory of a projectile, or the escape velocity of a rocket from a certain planet, like earth or from the moon, or the orbits of planets.
So, to come up with a theory you need observations, and measurements, that add up together, and to prove the validity of a theory, the theory needs to make predictions of events that were not in the observations that produced it, and then the predictions turn out according to the expectations of the theory.
So, for example, using the Newtonian gravitation theory, we can expect that the earth goes around the sun in an elliptical orbit, which turns out to be valid and hence would provide support to the theory.
Many theories have a domain, within which they work, and outside of it, they would not work. So, in our example, the Newtonian mechanics become invalid when we go to the very small sub-atomic particles, where scientists were struck that they needed a new theory to be able to model the observations that they are seeing!
So, now, lets examine the claim of evolution, to see if it is a fact, a theory, or just a hypothesis, or actually a false claim.
Evolution in simple words claims that life has slowly and gradually evolved from the very simple primary form of life, the first living cell, up to the modern human being, the Homo–Sapian as they call us, through natural totally blind and random processes, like mutation and natural selection.
So, it goes like this: You start by creatures of a species, mutations are happening all the time, and then natural selection will favor mutations that give a survival advantage, and hence, the new mutated version of the creature will spread it’s genes, and with time, more mutations will take place, so that after many versions, the newest offspring cannot be considered members of the original species, and you have a new species, which will now start a new cycle of evolution of its own.
Now, lets test what this is:
Firstly, it is for sure not a “Fact”, because no one “observed” a creature actually evolve, and no one can repeat this. They claim that the reason is that it takes a very long amount of time… fine, ok! Yet, it is for sure not at all anywhere close to a fact, until the day we see animals shape-shifting in front of our eyes!
Secondly, to be a theory, then we need to have the Facts, and then see if they add up to conclude to the theory or not.
But when you do a fact check on Evolution, you find that there are no Facts that line up to its outrageous conclusions. There is a Fact that there are similarities between creatures, and consistency between the features of creatures and their environment, but this does not suggest that those creatures have morphed with time into each other at all, and there is no evidence that it ever happened, except in marketing materials propagated by the proponents of the theory. I will however, soon enough, refer to obvious observations that are actually totally and shockingly against the so-called theory, but Evolutionists just neglect them, as if they are not clear like the day light.
But then, we are left with the final frontier, which is the Theory’s ability to make predictions, where it fails miserably to predict anything at all!
Now, lets test the facts with this question:
How do human beings exits?
Obviously the theory says that there should be this gradual little-by-little evolution of creatures. However, we do not see this at all when it comes to human beings!
If evolution is true, then how come there is this huge gap between humans and all other creatures, even the next best, that they claim has a common ancestor with Humans (that they have never proven), … the Chimpanzee. There is no comparison whatsoever!
Where did this unbelievable linguistic ability of Humans, to have this unprecedented ability to communicate in so many languages, having things like poetry and figures of speech! The ability to communicate in writing, and to transfer knowledge from one generation to another and hence accumulate knowledge. And of course, the ability to think rationally, and hence to build civilizations! No creature on the face of the earth is even to close to humans by any measure in their intellect.
The theory does not allow for those kind of jumps at all, and this is its assertion in all other adaptations and “evolutions’ in all other species, so how come this is happening to Humans?
So, if the theory is true, and obviously, language, writing, and intellect, are survival advantages, so where are all the talking monkeys, tigers, and crocodiles. Where are the scientist monkey, and where is monkey city?
There are all types of monkeys, with varying skills and intelligence, and they all co-exist… and species of monkeys are different species, they don’t naturally mate, and have their distinct lifestyles.
so, where are all the various species of Humans? Why are there only one species of Humans (which they call Homo-sapiens?).
Why only in the case of Human they will tell fairy tales like: once upon a time there were Neanderthals, and then (with no evidence) there was Homo-sapiens, and then Neanderthals go extinct?!! For sure Neanderthals had better chances of survival compared to monkeys if they really were humans! So why is non of them here? Where are all the other mystical species of humanoids that they claim existed?
And then sometimes they would say that when Homo-sapiens met with Neanderthals, they interbred… but shortly enough, they remember that the very definition of a species means that there is no inter-breading, so eventually, they start removing barriers between Homo-Sapiens and Neanderthals and say they are one and the same species!! Same thing is also happening with Homo Erectus… and in all cases, you will find this statement: We don’t know where they went and why! They just disappeared! I put it to you, that maybe we should consider that they have not disappeared, and that they are still here, because they are us, and it’s a matter of finding Human skeletons from old ages, as humans do come in different sizes and shapes, including now!
And we are back to the same question: So, how come there are humans at all? How come evolution which must go small steps at a time produces such a huge jump in its ladder, from Chimps to Humans?!
Simple answer: It doesn’t, and it hasn’t produce any species evolutionary jumps at all, simply because Macro-Evolution does not exist in the first place.
So, a theory which should deliver to humans the answer to their most existential question, which is how did they come to being, fails miserably to explain both ends of the story. It cannot provide explanation to the existence of the first cell (through unguided chemical synthesis), and it cannot provide explanation for the existence of the end of the chain, Humans., (and it gives no observable or testable evidence in the middle!)
Does this even qualify to being a Theory?!
What do you think?
Watch the video about the topic:
God Exists 5| Does Evolution Qualify as a Theory? | Can evolution explain the existence of Humans?
Finding Truth