God creates Man, and Man is created with the purpose of having free will, to believe or disbelieve, love or hate, and choose to follow the righteous way.
Animals are created with both bodies and minds that are already pre-educated with all what they need for life. But this means that a new cat cannot think any differently from a previous cat. They are all cats.
He asserts that Humans will be born knowing nothing, and hence, they are. Because this means they will have to learn and form their own new ideas and ways with each new generation.
Unlike animals, a human baby cannot just leave his mother few days or weeks after birth like animals can, but he needs care for long time to be raised and educated.
It means that the mother will have to care for the baby for an extended duration of his the baby’s life.
So, to start with, the baby will take a long period inside his mom, where they form this emotional connection, so she will have all the feelings for him when he is born.
Further, the human baby is designed to need breastfeeding from his mom for 2 years so that the strong connection is established even more.
The one thing that the human baby is pre-programmed with it, is the process of suckling, specifically; the rest his mom will teach him!
Now, the mom will need to be pregrnant for up to 9 months, and then also be breast feeding for 2 years, and then for few years taking care and educating. A female is engineered with the psyche that is loving and caring, and with a body that is flexible to undergo those big swings and functions.
During those periods, the female will be vunerable, needs care and protection. Given repeated pregnancies, which can naturally take place on cycles of 4-5 years each, and with an average of 4-5 kids, a typical female will spend a great deal of her life in need for protection, provision, and care.
A male is created with internal and external features that make him ok with this assignment. He is engineered to be more of an extrovert, strong body, and with the temper of facing the difficult life. However, there must be very strong motivation to take those responsibiliyt against the female (which until this point provides him with nothing in return, as he has what he needs in terms of supporting himself and not being in vulnerable states of body himself for reporoducing an offspring like the female).
The female is engineered such that she has what the man does not have, she is engineered with being beautiful and appealing to the male, while the male is engineered to be attracted to the female shape and soft and loving personality.
The female’s psyche is engineered to like the competitive and protective nature of the male, which the male likes the caring and loving nature of the female. The male is by nature an unagreeable character, while the female is an agreeable character. Social roles and hierarchies are engineered (by God’ religion) around this so that families can group into larger units that can co-protect, co-provide, and exchange benefits.
Animals reproduce during specific periods, and their mating is regulated by hormones. Animals have no choices and obey their body and mind programming which make them perfectly fit to perform their function.
Meanwhile, humans are given choice, as per their original intent, to take their decisions and organize their lives in the way that they decide. It includes giving them the physical and pschcological ability to mate at any time of the year or the day. Since, males are attracted to females by design too, so, external additional instructions are given to humans, that the main party of the attraction formula, being the woman, should be properly covered up, indicating a default rejection of mating, while the male has to also cover his essentials, and use the rest to fulfill his role in life to compete in livelihood.
As it is the design of the human being baby to need prolonged periods of pregnancy and care from the mother and sustained provision from the father, the external instructions come to form the orgnization of the family, which delivers to the human baby the opportunity for upbirnging and education, the females the provision, and the male the care; and all three get love, warmth, and a stable HOME!
Males are hence instructed not to be competitive concerning females that are already married, and married females cannot have children except from their husbands! Both males and females are instructed not to have any relations that may directly or indirectly lead to conception outside the institution of marriage, likewise emotions must be confined to the boundaries of the family, which is henceforth called fidelity.
Finally, the female, the mother, who will spend a good part of her boby and health to raise the kids, her children, espcially the males, are hence divenely instructed to favor the mother versus the father in care, three times are much!
Both the mother and father are granted special care by the children as they grow older, which also comes natural in the case of a religious family, as the children who were raised in an environment of love, education, and care, will grow with love and gratitude to the parents which they will now return in terms of care for their old parents, and never send them to care-homes!
In God’s religion, there is family, love, and gratitude, completing one another, and there is no “childcare”, and no “Care homes”… it goes together as a package!!!
… and this is how the design of body, mind, and scripture work together for an integrated family life.
Finding Truth