Someone today told me: you already believe in God, and think evolution is false, so why do you call yourself finding truth and why are you making those videos?
Well, we never stop seeking truth. For sure the first and most important truth is whether there is God. But when you arrive at that truth, then you need also to understand more. One of the things you would for sure like to understand is the world around you, cosmos, life, consciousness… etc.
How does God create?
What are His signs?
What is the reality of scientific theories?
Science looks into creating models, but does not define reality.
If you are a realist, then science cannot give the answers!
Is gravity a force?
Is gravity a bending of space-time?
Is there a graviton?
Each of those is a scientific explanation, but none of them seem to make sense in terms of what is reality.
So, if I have found solace in one question does it mean I stop?!
For sure no.
Are there people who believe in God and still believe in evolution?
Yes there is!
But does it make sense?
To them it makes sense because they assert that Evolution is a tool that God uses to bring about creation, because God likes to use subtle ways.
Is it true?
Well then you need to really look into the evidence and find out what is true and what is not true!
You can still already compare it to the story told by God, where there is also a wide range and many degrees of freedom for interpretation.
So, in short, does the pursuit of truth stop at knowing God?
Answer: No, it just starts from there. Before it, there is complete darkness, but after it, you can search in the bright day light.
Finding Truth