What is our SOUL?
How come we have such a thing?
How Can we explain it without a creator?
Well, as a first step, there is no scientific explanation for one’s soul whatsoever!
For sure we know that materialistic science has failed miserably to explain what the soul is!
In the materialistic view, a human is a machine, a biological machine, that’s all! But biology, physics, and mathematics cannot explain our self-awareness and consciousness!
It is like this: You have a robot, and you are controlling the robot through a computer console. A robot is a machine having sensors to pick up signals from its environment, like video, sound, heat, pressure, and movement, and it has an on-board processor that processes all of this to take immediate decisions like avoiding falling down or trip on obstacles, or to put the right force in the arm so that it can carry a certain load, but it waits for you to tell it what to do… You have your console from which you are seeing what the robot sees, and you can use a keyboard or a joystick, or some suit that you are wearing to direct the robot.
So, the robot is autonomous in terms of managing its body parts which you do not need to worry about their operation, but YOU are the soul of the robot. If you disconnect from the robot it will essentially either go to an idle mode or does some survival functions that autonomously protect it from losing its function.
You can study the Robot as a scientist as much as you want, but inside the Robot, you will not find an answer to how it has self-awareness because this awareness is coming from outside of the Robot. In the case of our body, the connection between the body and the soul is also hidden from us, and science cannot grab hold of it… let’s say it is at a frequency that is outside our domain of perception. We know from (our feeling), and from God who designed and created us and created our souls and causes it to be breathed into us that this connection is through our heart, and this is the center of our Soul in our body. We know hence that all the directing of the body, in terms of free-will, intent, emotion, character, and belief will all be perceived in the heart; it is an observation that we all experience, however, of course, the material science will not acknowledge, because the machinery of the heart does not reflect it… they try to find it in the brain where they will never find it. They find reflections to these things in the brain, of course, because the brain needs to act upon their consequences, but they cannot find their origins in the brain no matter what they do.
But, on the contrary, if they are looking for the path from the decision (that is based on the intent) until the body-part effect is accomplished, they can surely trace it through the brain. This is because the purpose of the brain is to actuate those events into the physical world by controlling the body. Likewise, exactly in our Robot example, the brain is collecting all the signals from the various sensors of the body, transforms them into a form that it then delivers to the conscious-being (the human) sitting at the console, which is our SOUL. Our soul would then through the form of the image that is developed in the brain can see what the eye is seeing. Just like the man on the console can see through the pixels developed on his screen a reconstruction of what the robot sees. If the eye of the robot is damaged, or his image processing unit is not functioning, or its memory where the image is stored is spoiled, then the soul cannot anymore see… however, when we sleep and the soul is free from the sensory connection to the body, it can see on its own in our dreams and have its own experiences.
So, sleep is this daily miracle where the souls have this opportunity to enjoy their spiritual nature and wander around. The connection to the body is reduced and the body goes into auto-pilot mode just preserving its survival, and maintaining the link to the soul to sound an alarm to call it back when there is danger or a wake-up signal, or when it’s had enough sleep. Sleep is our daily experience for what death is, except that with death, the connection is broken completely, and regardless of what the body does, the soul will not return, because its creator had taken it back as the test has come to a completion.
A challenge stands to all of us, to try to make the body machine work again, (with consciousness and free-will) if the soul leaves… it is impossible, and nobody achieved it and nobody will ever achieve it; because every aspect of being HUMAN goes away with the departure of the soul.
Our body is just a surrogate to the real person sitting on the console and controlling it… our soul! … God makes it very clear to us that through our hearts, which is our connection to the soul we can know Him.
So, what if someone does not acknowledge his own heart and only accepts his Brain CPU?
What if someone denies at all that he ha s a soul and he is just a biological machine robot?
What if you accept the surrogate and deny the person behind it; accept the computer and deny the user who makes the computer worth being?
What if all of this is because he just denies the unseen God, and hence denies the unseen soul?
Yes, if you deny God, you end up denying your soul, … you end up denying your own self… you cease to exist.
… And life becomes a dark place.
What we call a soul is actually that creature that we call the US!
I am my soul, not my body!
It is what makes us who we are.
It is the love and hatred!
It is the “Will”, and the “choice”.
It is the dream that we have while sleeping and then comes true.
It is the premonitions and the hunches.
It is a tear of sadness and a laugh of pure joy.
It is real love.
It is the belief and the faith.
And before all, it is our connection to God!
Peace be upon your souls, happiness in your hearts, and may your mind lead you to the truth.
Thank you!