Once we are born, an arrow is launched, looking for its target. The hit is inevitable, it is a matter of time. And as the clock ticks, the hairs ticks more white!
And when it hits, it is time for the meeting already. The review meeting of a lifetime of deeds.
So, what is death to you?
Or first, what is life? Only those who understand what is life are those who understand what is death!
Is it the race to be ahead of the arrow?!
Let me tell you this: There is no escape!
Everyone who has tried before you to race the arrow has lost the race. The arrow always wins! For when it is the time for it to reach you, even if you are the strongest and fastest, you will just trip on a banana and fall to the ground opening your chest for it to find its final destination! Even if you are in the highest tower of all, or in the strongest of the strongholds, the tower of Babel itself; a small bacterium can get through the window and prepare your chest for the arrow to come in.
You see, this arrow does not stop at walls, and does not knock on doors, and is not afraid of heights!
So, once again, what is life to you?
Maybe you forget altogether about the arrow and you are busy collecting certificates, trophies, or climbing corporate ladders.
Maybe you are chasing fame and fortune and dreaming of a red carpet.
But who has taken any of that before with him? Are you going to be more glorious than the Caesars or Alexanders? Alas! Alexander died with his palms open so everyone knows he took nothing with him!
But there remains a type who is looking for the arrow as much as the arrow is looking for them!
They prepare for him the heart to come and plugin, as it is not going to hit, but rather it is going to be embraced within.
To them, there is a keyhole in the middle of the chest, for the arrow to nicely fit and plug-in, and like a key to its lock, it will then unlock…
Unlock the doors of happiness and comfort, switch on the lights, and wake up from this short dream.
Oh yes, when the time of the meeting arrives, unveil the curtains and open the windows for the fresh air of paradise.
What a wonderful day for those who have not been running from the arrow, but rather running to prepare for the glorious day of the meeting that they have been waiting for!
And when the door is unlocked, and when the light is on again, a path of light is flown over a breath of fresh breeze that takes you up and above the small playground of a test well done!
The skies hail the happy traveler who is now back home… with roses and flowers he is received, and with a sip of pure water he is now thirsty-no-more, for the run to prepare was not giving him time to quench all the thirst, except in the moments of solitude in a song of love sung in prayer to the One!
And when the doors of the grave are closed, it is not dark inside, but a celebration of happiness in a dimension of unlimited expanse, waiting for it to open again to run to the final destination at which he is gazing thrilled, and excited to go back… back Home!
What a wonderful way to run, and a wonderful day to cut the rope and arrive, for the real trophy awaits… one of pure light and bright… delivered by the One himself, their truly beloved!
Oh God, oh Allah, accept us among them, for we love them and want to join them in your grace.