We are living in a world in which a consistent message is propagated in the media, that Science had buried religion and that there is no further need for believing in a “supernatural” God that has created the Cosmos, Life, and Man!
Books by “scientists” making the vague claims that “Something came out of Nothing”, and that “God is a delusion”, or that it is “The End of Faith”!!! But are any of those claims true, or they are just journalistic propaganda rather than scientific facts?! The actual state of affairs is that given the scientific discoveries and breakthroughs that have been made during the last few decades, humankind has discovered that what we thought that we knew is far separated from a reality that is way deeper and more complex than we have ever thought.
As we looked deeper into space, we learned that what we thought we knew well looks now like 4-5% of what is out there! The “gap” which is 96% of the cosmos has been named dark matter and dark energy. It raises the question of whether the gap is what we don’t know, or actually what we know is the gap! As we looked back in time, we are struck by a universe that started from a deep point in time that we cannot fathom, through causality how it came into existence, and why a big bang “banged”! We look to stars and observe nebulae, that has dust and gas, but we are unable to find the first stars, and we are unable to put together a consistent theory for how those first stars could have formed from gas alone! Yet, even on our planet, there is no accepted theory for how organic material came into existence from non-organic material.
How this synthesis is even possible in nature, which is already difficult enough to synthesize such compounds in the lab, with all their intermediate compounds that are unstable and need special care to be produced (like carbohydrates, RNA chains … etc.). Some compounds like proteins are until today, primarily manufactured using living e-Coli cells, because producing them from non-living matter is so difficult, that it is practically not worth the trouble for any mass production! We have no idea how the first cell got to form, with a membrane and genetic materials inside.
Even protocell, of various proposed simplicities, are quite difficult to comprehend how they can come together (if any thins as such ever existed). We have no idea how the first complex cell (Eukaryote) became a reality, and hypothesis like endosymbiosis have been proposed, without proof. The transition from unicellular to multicellular life is an unsolved mystery. The claimed “evolution” of species has so many gaps and mathematical, physical, chemical challenges to its claimed mechanisms; it can only claim to be true
because science claims that it is the only way life can progress! (Is this science or a wish list).
And finally, the existence of the Human being without links to the claimed ancestors, and without explanation to our unique attributes of consciousness, language, art, religion, and free-will! What of the real big questions has science really answered to make the outrageous claim that science has replaced God?!! NONE!