Everything around you says the world is beautiful and created. God is as obvious as the sun in the middle of the day. People who don’t believe grab to false claims like evolution (from cosmic to consciousness) even when there is no evidence or proof whatsoever, but you don’t ask them for evidence or proof, and you ignore the huge gaps that are in every aspect of those false claims (and tell yourself that one day we will know).
… and then enters a book that tells you about every gap in science, predicts it, and says that it is intentional and will not be closed. He says I am the creator, and sends thousands of messengers across history and promises that they prevail and they do against all odds.
You observe you have a consciousness, free will, intellect, and ethos, science fails to explain them, and you look the other side when the book says it is your soul. You see the radiance of the sun, it can burn us, but the earth has a magnetic shield, and a beautiful atmosphere, that has clouds, rain from water vaporized from seas and oceans, and an orbit that makes seasons possible, so crops grow and life thrives. It is impossible that it is by chance, and science cannot explain it, but you look the other side when God said it is designed for us. You prefer to think that earth is a tiny insignificant spec flying around in the cosmos for no reason and towards no purpose.
You have a moon placed at wondrous orbit, in a wondrous size, and a wonderful rotation, so it is looking at us all the time, placed at a specific distance, making it exactly eclipsing the sun… it’s a magnificent sign… science cannot explain, but you turn to the other side. The book says the moon is a sign, and it (together with the sun) is like a clock, and then when we understand and find no explanation, you still turn to the other side.
The existence of the universe is impossible without God, and no explanation,
Likewise the formation of the first stars,
the formation of organic compounds,
the formation of life,
the formation of multicellular organisms,
the persistence of life against all odds,
the existence of human intelligence,
the existence of free will!!!
Tell you what, you want scientific proof:
We look at the universe and we think it is static until this last century when Hubble was shocked it was expanding, but guess what,1400 years ago a book (The Quran) said that it is not static and it is expanding, and God said:
وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ
{And the sky We constructed with strength (hands), and indeed, We are EXPANDING} Surat Athareyat:47.
Try writing a book like that!
The only reason you would not believe in God is that you are not reading the book… you should ask yourself why you are not! You have no excuse. You are still alive and young, but mark my words, time moves very fast… so don’t waste it on doubt and hesitation.
Read the book. Read it while opening your eyes well and consider it is the message of your Creator that you need to authenticate. Stop fending yourself off from it.
And then make up your mind after you have considered the evidence. This I can tell you: We are here to make those choices, and you have to do your own research and reach your conclusions.
Have a good day.