(The baby and the two old men!)
When born, the baby is crying his heart out, while all around are happy and laughing. Even the mother who has just gone through phenomenal pain in natural delivery, will smile and laugh in happiness, and even tears of happiness flow. Her embrace of the baby who was the cause of all of this pain is the warm welcome to a world to come!
But why are you crying baby? You have just arrived here and we’re happy about your arrival!
Well, I am separated from my Creator and now into this world. I’m afraid and I want my mother, and I will stop crying when I am in her hug and on her chest. I want to feed and feel the love because this material world is now gradually blocking me from the direct connection to Him!
Ooooh, it has been a long time in this world, and you are now on the death bed, aren’t you?
You thought it was long before it will come, but it has arrived faster than you thought!
But how come you’re still crying, my friend? How come you are not longing anymore to return to Him?
Haven’t you come here crying because you were afraid of this world? Why are you clinging and gripping? Why are you asking for the charts and expectations and ready to buy an extra week or an extra day no matter how much it would cost? Haven’t you had enough of this race? Aren’t you tired already?
No, I have too much baggage and I am embarrassed to return this way. I am all dirty, but I cannot wash it off, because the dirt is inside, sticking to the heart. I feel the darkness inside and ahead and I am so afraid of the dark, and I hear the grave is so dark and lonely. I want to stay! I don’t want to leave! Go away and let me be!
Look around your bed! They are looking at you. They think you are too old and they are tired of you. Some are already counting their shares, and some have been waiting for the moment when you will give way. They are not showing it to you, but it is in their eyes. They look into the hospital bills, that you are paying, yet they already consider what is yours to be theirs. Even your own money is counted while you spend it over your last breaths!
Oh yes, you are crying and screaming inside, while their hearts are smiling and laughing in lust like wolves! What a shame! You are to blame!
But in the room next door, there is a man with a big smile, and around the bed are loving tears. Tears of separation, and tears of calling on him to stay more, even if one more day.
Oh yesterday’s baby, today’s old man; they want to ask of your wisdom, they want to take from the treasures of words coming out of your lips!
Why are you smiling old man?
Ooooh, it has been a long walk my son, and I knew the day is coming. I have no baggage with me, but I have transferred plenty of my riches to my accounts with Him. It is waiting for me, and I want to join Him again. I know He is waiting for me, and He loves to meet me just as I love to meet Him. Soon enough, the delegation will come to me, to embrace me and give me a hug, and the scare will be taken away. I already feel the love. I am already not scared.
But mind you, my friend, there are few stains on your white clothes, that are not the same color as your white heart. You will wait here a little while we scrub them off… it will be a little painful, but we want your white suit to be impeccable so you ascend the ladder without the slightest pause, and no stain will be during the grand reunion.
Ooooh, gladly, I don’t mind the pain. Wash me up my last wash. Cleanse me in this bath of little earthly pain, so it washes my clothes and purifies my heart. There are those fails that I forgot to wash through the journey, take them off me so that I meet Him with no baggage and my face is all white and bright. It was my only worry, and now you have taken it away. Thank you, my friends… My ablution is finished. I am ready now!
Oh, have you finished washing up dear? Then, it is now the time to go! It took you so little, and we’re sorry it was intense, but He wanted you as pure as He brought you here.
Now, ascend through the skies, with tears saying goodbye on earth and tears saying goodbye in the sky, for the stream of your good deeds will stop flowing through, but your treasury is full where you are going, and your heart and clothes are all made of light in full-bright.
With tears and laughter, you arrived, and with laughter and tears, you return… home again.