What if we had to consciously control every event that is needed for us to breathe?!
We don’t even know how we breathe, and we’re not aware of it, yet it just happens!
We’re learning.
And every day we learn, we realize how minuscule is the amount that we know.
To breathe, a molecule called hemoglobin takes oxygen from the air. It goes through a very thin membrane in the lung that allows oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. It’s a miracle!
Hemoglobin is a protein molecule! It has specific positions for free oxygen molecules. It takes them in and delivers them to the oxygen-hungry needy tissues. It is carried by red blood cells that are manufactured in the bone marrow. The cells don’t have a nucleus, yet they are very well programmed to do their job. Hemoglobin is manufactured by transcription of the RNA program that codes the exact amino acids that compose it. The chain of proteins cannot function until it is folded in an asymmetric structure that enzymes help the protein molecule to morph into in a magnificent way!
The RNA program that is needed to program the ribosome to manufacture the needed hemoglobin is copied from a specific gene from the DNA. The specific gene is expressed into the right amount of hemoglobin that is needed so that red blood cells are well equipped. The number of red blood cells and the number of hemoglobin molecules are balanced with our needs in a miraculous way that needs super communication and supercomputing beyond our limits of understanding. Mechanisms that are superior to genetics control the expression of DNA. It is an orchestra of miracles.
The DNA coding needed to produce hemoglobin is available in every cell in the body, yet it only manifests in the right places which are the factories of the red blood cells.
Breathing occurs autonomously and increases its rate according to the need of the body and the psychological status and activity level.
There are mechanisms that are ingenious that prioritize the delivery of oxygen to the critical parts of the body like the heart and the brain so that in time of deprivation like when you are underwater, you will not faint and the body muscles can start running anaerobic.
All of this and we have no idea of what is happening.
So, again: What if we had to consciously control every event that is needed for us to breathe?!!! Disaster!
With every breath, there is a new life given.
He gives and we forget.
He is patient.
He is God, the Merciful, the Generous, the Most Patient, the Living, the Compassionate, the ONE.
Praise be to Him.