Someone today asked me to show how we can find God in scientific means…
I said the following:
A. Science (to me) clearly shows that:
1. The universe needs a first cause. It has a start. There was nothing before.
2. The laws of nature are tuned to life.
3. Life is not an emergent phenomenon.
4. Humanity is not an extension of animal life.
5. We have free will, which is not explained by science.
B. My observations:
6. We have a soul that is not explained by science.
7. There has been religion through-out history.
8. The Quran, which is a message from God, couldn’t have been written by a human.
From A & B: God exists, and cares.
From B: Islam is His final message.
Now, it is your choice to reach the same conclusions or not to reach them.
There are many videos on my channel in support of each of the above.