I posted my video about disease and disaster (below) and someone asked me this in a FB dialogue:
– Demonstrate to me that death is part of life?
I said:
Animals feed on plants and hence live.
Bacteria feed on dead animals and plants.
Plants regenerate the cycle by taking the materials decomposed in the soil and manufacturing something new.
We come and go. We give way to those who come after us. It is a limited-time test. Everyone sits for the exam, and when the paper is full, he leaves. Except that the exam’s time is not known. It gives a sense of urgency to act.
Don’t waste your life.
– So, he said: Please demonstrate that diseases are necessary for the life cycle?
I said: Your disease is some other creature’s life.
Malaria infecting you is just living its life and you are part of its life.
A parasite in you is just living its life, and you are part of the path.
There are not only bad bacteria, but even good bacteria in your gut. Both are just living their lives.
Open up your mind and see the world as it is… an effervescent fountain in which life and death are interwoven together to deliver this test. Beauty and ugliness are in the eyes of the beholder. Everything is part of a stage in which there are roles. The wise are those who get out of the exam with the right answers written down, for it is only that is what will make a difference at the end.
– He says: Some diseases cause pain and suffering that have a very limited impact on mortality itself?
Your disease is part of your test. Take the test, and be grateful for it. Real-life comes after you pass this short test.